Friday, September 14, 2007

LoNeLy? Die Young?

I came across a news article on yahoo news reporting that a lonely person are more likely to get sick and die young. Issit true???? Well, the articles even have some supporting facts. The biologists in U.S. have done a study on this topic and it is proven that lonely person have distinct patterns of genetic activity, almost all of it involving the immune system.

According to the article, many studies of large populations have shown that people who describe themselves as lonely or as having little social support are more likely to die prematurely and to have infections, high blood pressure, insomnia and cancer.

"There are two theories -- the social provision theory, which basically is about what other people do for you in a tangible, material sense. Like, if I am sick and I have got people around me, they will take me to the doctors, they will see I take my pills," Cole said.

"The other is that there is something about being isolated and lonely that changes your body."

This is likely because of the mentality of lonely person. They feel lonely. They are unhappy with the life. They find everything is meaningless. No one to talk to. No laughter. Of couse will fall sick and die young. Am I also one of them? Ooopppss, reli got to make myself participate in more socialize activity.

( Source: Fox M., 2007, 'Sick? Lonely? Genes Tell The Tale')


Cometh said...

Hmmmm, go get a pet... a puppy or something....heh =p

Anonymous said...

do i mention to u taht i am scare of pets? even cat n dog...i am scare of fur creature thing...